Interactive Demo
Template Showcase
Design Resources Credits
  1. Some components from Nucleus UI Kit
  2. Icons from Feather icons
  3. Stock images from Unsplash
The links to the completed prototype and the template files are below.
Important Links
  1. Template file
  2. Prototype file
Summary & Takeaways
Overall we learnt a lot from this team project. Some of the key takeaways are below:
  1. Figma Skills - How to use overlays to make interactive prototypes more robust
  2. Figma Skills - How to use components and variants effectively to make a wide range of adaptable interfaces
  3. Design Skills - How to properly balance color, style and design
  4. Design Skills - How to layout a dashboard to reduce cognitive load
  5. Design Skills - User requirements and Prototype building
  6. Design Skills - Application of design principles
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